That Apple Vision Pro Thing!

It’s only a few days before preorders for Apple Vision Pro start and the beginning of what should be an interesting journey. So why am I ordering this thing?
First of all, it’s cool! Even if that was the only reason, it would be enough. But it’s so much more than that. It could be the beginning of another shift in how we use computers. Imagine having your computer all around you instead of on a screen or screens in front of you. A spatial computing environment that is part of wherever you are, be it the couch, a plane or on a beach! Imagine interacting with content with all of you(eyes, voice and gestures) and not just typing or tapping on a screen. Vision Pro and spatial computing along with the rapid advancements in AI could get us to Jarvis from the movie Iron Man before we know it.
I remember when the iPhone launched. I wasn’t an Apple nerd then and spent most of my time was using Windows and a clunky cell phone. My first experience with the original iPhone made me want one immediately. I started to imagine the things I might be able to do and even build with a portable computer in my pocket, which lead me to my first iPhone(3G). It so quickly revolutionized how we used portable devices and gave us a powerful computer wherever we go. Now imagine having not just a device but a powerful computing environment with you wherever you go!
How do I plan to use this thing? I am hoping it will mostly replace my need for a laptop on a daily basis. As a remote worker, I work in my home office, on planes, coffee shops and co-working spaces. To be able to take my home office setup wherever I am would be amazing! As developers create great apps, there could be more ways to really interact with your environment and still have my same working setup no matter location.
Along with replacing my laptop and monitor, I plan to get in early on building applications that change the way we work and live. I am finishing up an iOS music app that I feel could fit well into a spatial computing environment. I was originally planning to work on the visionOS version at the same time but there is no way to access your Apple Music library in the simulator so I had to wait till I get the device to start development. From what I’ve heard from developers that have been to labs or the initial demos, it will be tough to know what is the best way for apps to work until actually using Vision Pro, so probably better that I had to wait. I am hoping that Xcode is available on visionOS so I can actually try to develop the app for the device on the device.
Why am I ordering this thing? This could be the next iPhone moment in technology history. The beginning of a shift in how we use computers in the future. The iPhone and smartphone have impacted people more than anyone could have ever imagined and is a key part of most people’s lives now. It will be exciting to see where Vision Pro and spatial computing take us.